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Positions in North America

Contact: Please send resume to company, attention to P. Yan


Position: Accounting Manager


Job Duties:

Direct accounting and financial planning, budgeting, procurement, and investment activities of the organization and establish, modify, and implement internal accounting control procedures and provide advice on the control and improvement on the financial health of the company.

Analyze accounting and financial performance and management information, such as financial statements, cash flow projection, working capital management, budgeting and control, financial forecasting, and operating procedures, and review specific financial statements and other reports to reflect company’s assets, liabilities, capital, profit and loss, income and cash flow, and current and projected financial position, and provide accurate and timely financial and statistical information for management regarding accounting and financial controls.

Analyze past and present financial operations and prepare specific financial statements and specific reports to reflect company.s assets, liabilities, capital, profit and loss, income, cash flow, and company.s current and projected financial position.

Estimate future financial position, revenues, budget requirements, and expenditures to prepare financial and budget reports to facilitate financial planning, procurement, management of funds, and internal accounting controls, and formulate plans with respect to import financing, terms of payments, and foreign currency conversion, and liaison with domestic and foreign bankers on credit affairs.

Audit contracts, orders, and vouchers, and prepare reports to substantiate transactions.

Coordinate and monitor manufacturing schedules to provide relevant budgeting and cash flow requirement information.

Evaluate and review accounting and financial operational procedures and controls and provide accounting and financial reporting for managerial decision making.

Requirements:Master's degree with a major in Accounting and Financial Management or foreign education credentials equivalent

Please send resume to the company at 18601 S. Susana Road, Rancho Dominguez, CA 90221, attention: P. Yan